50% off first 2 months
£16.03/month(ex. tax)
£32.07 after discount period
Show order summary
Billed every month
50% off first two months
Total (ex. tax)
After discount period

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Your storage requirements

Any day from tomorrow to 2nd February.

Security deposit

Upon booking, a refundable security deposit will be charged. It's returned upon vacating, unless damages or other terms are not met. If you cancel before move in day, the deposit will be returned in full.

Deposit amount

Please note

You won’t be charged any rental [subscription] until your move-in day.
Cancel for free anytime 24 hours before your move in date.

We provide you with a unit key & access card at the start of your subscription.

Payments are secure and encrypted.
“Our thanks to John Baker for his efficient and cheerful handling of our mail box. The Security arrangements were excellent. We much appreciated his keeping in touch after the contract period, when unexpected mail arrived. Very well done.”
Jane C

Mailbox Locker Medium

Safe and Secure - Stored Packages & Letters

50% off first 2 months
£16.03/month(ex. tax)
£32.07 after discount period
Show order summary
Billed every month
50% off first two months
Total (ex. tax)
After discount period
Billed once, today
Security deposit
Total (ex. tax)